Sunday, October 4, 2015

Fire Fire

Hey family! 

Today is Soeur Clements birthday! It been a good day. But we taught an ami during the day so tonight we're going out to eat because no members were free tonight...

This week was super awesome!

Okay first things first.... Friday night we're about to go to bed when our doorbell rings, we answer the door and there are firemen outside in the hallway and on the stairs.... He hallway was smoky and smelt like burnt rubber. They looked in our apartment to make sure the fire wasn't there and then said that it was fine... To just close the door and open the windows. So someone in the apartment had a fire but it didn't affect us. But still was interesting to open the door and have firefighters outside. Ha ha I feel like all the weird experiences happen in Toul. 

So we had zone conference in Paris! it was amazing! Once again it was nice to be back. So the past two conference before this one week focused more on practice teaching. Which is really nice because it really helped my teaching skills. The only problem I had with it was the fact that we literally practice taught in front of everyone... The first zone conference they randomly called on people so that was pretty scary, luckily I didn't get called on. The second time it was volunteer but this time there were 4 zones not 2. So I think president and Soeur babin got the vibe that we weren't a fan of practice teaching in front of everybody and then having them critic you. But anyway so back to this conference. It was exactly what everyone needed. Every formation wash uplifting. Stls talked about being a successful missionary and not comparing ourselves to others. President and Soeur babies was on faith and repentance. Our zone leaders formation was about being a hero (complete with scenes from Hercules). And then we had a small Soeur conference where we talked about enjoying the mission in every way! So yeah that's a sum of the day. I liked it a lot. Then we came home and had dinner... Conference literally took all day.

Every three months our branch puts up a stand at the marche. So we did that on Friday, felt a little awkward, but we found people from it (which is a miracle considering the size of Toul). I was able to teach a woman and pray with her and then fix a rdv with her! The rdv is for Wednesday so I'll let you know how it goes! Also I love our branch so much! Sunday we had branch counsel and they literally spent half of the time talking about how they can help us with missionary work. So cool!

Saturday we had a lesson with Aurore and Serge. Aurore is still being baptized 7 November but we changed Serge's date for 21 November. But then they came to church the next day!!!!!!! They only stayed for sacrament but they loved it and serge said he's excited to come every week! So miracle there! 

Sunday I gave my second talk ever and once again it was really good! I'm amazed at how well I speak. I remember just a year ago not speaking the language at all. And now I'm fluent.  It's just super cool to see how much I've grown, in the language but also as a missionary and in teaching. I'm so grateful to be a missionary! 

Speaking of which this Tuesday we are having our district meeting in Toul, and afterwards the elders are staying for 3 hours and are going to go contacting and porting in our area! Our district leader decided that we should do this and I'm so excited. Also two members are coming to help work with the elders and also to drive them out to other villes because Toul is already small with one equipe working in it.  I'm so excited, I know we're going to have a ton of success! Please pray for us all to find new people on Tuesday! 

I love you all so much! Have a great week!

Gros bisous
Soeur farmer

1. Soeur conference selfie. Soeur babin's arm is around me!
From now on I'm sending home all the animals I cross out here in Toul. 
2. Ponies

3. Goats

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