Bonjour ma famille!!!!
This week was good! although, I don't really remember it, but we did a lot of good things.
Friday we went on another exchange cause the stls wanted to. So i was with soeur asay again but this time soeur bernhisel and we were all in Antony! soeur dechesne went with soeur defranchi (who is French also) in Nogent. so the Americans were together and les francaises were together. But we had a fun time.
today i did my legality! and it worked this time!!!! so I'm legal again! it was scary going 6 days after my visa expired... but that was the prefectures fault, i should have gotten it in time. But dont worry its all taken care of.
Other than that I'm doing great! don't know how to feel about leaving a ville after 7 1/2 months. I'm excited but sad. its even weirder that I'm probably going to my last ville before i go home... Even weirder. I still feel like its forever away, but in two weeks I have 4 months left. so yeah time flies by fast. Did I mention that a year ago last week was when i first got into France and got my trainer? I'm the same age she was in the mission when she trained me! all weird thoughts.
So yeah this Saturday I find out where I'm going to next! so we'll see!
But anyway have a great week! love you all!
Soeur Farmer
1. Went to the mission office this week. got to see presidents office and the transfer board! there i am!
2. Paris zone made a giant book of mormon and have had 3 different activities where they put it on the street and the whole zone contacts people.... Super cool! why am i paris sud zone?! missing out on all the fun!

3. i found a weird fruit on a tree while contacting...

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