okay, there's a lot to write about my paris trip....
I'm now legal. We got there had an hour meeting then had lunch and left. we got there and it hadnt opened yet so we waited for twenty more minutes. we then found out that i was in the second group to go... so i had to wait another hour. so we went out bleue contacting! so i went with soeur erikson from the other zone in the mtc. I contacted two people and handled the situation all by myself! it was super fun and cool. and now i know that i can contact on my own. but we contacted a lady from spain who had taken lessons from missionaries there but then she moved here. so I got her number and reffered her to the sisters in that area! and as we were leaving she was like "should we say a prayer" and i was embarrassed i didnt think to ask. but she said a prayer in spanish. then i came back and had legality. got that done with and went back to st. marie to reunite with my trainer. while i was gone she went to the eiffle tower.... not fair. but i'll do that when my bleu does legality so oh well. we had time to get a crepe/panini/drink for 5 euro's it was nice.
so now time for the way back. we got on our train. everything was awesome, then we stopped in Le Mans at 7:45 (normal) and sat there for 20 minutes (not normal)... then someone came on the speaker and said that they changed the destination of the train. it is now going to rennes not nantes... so everyone going to angers or nantes, get off. so we did. and we were just standing at the voix not knowing what to do. then the speaker person came back on and was like never mind get back on the train. so we started walking to the train and speaker was like never mind don't get on. so we didnt get on and the train left. then they told us to go to a different voix to get on a different train. they did that like 5 times and finally a train came that we could all get on that wasnt filled already. we got there and they said we'd take off in 10 minutes. 30 min later they say never mind we don't know when we can leave. so finally at 9:30pm (we're supposed to always be home at 9:00pm each night) we called our zone leaders and they said to stay the night with the Le Mans soeurs... so we did... then the next morning we caught a train back. so annoying. and the worst part is the reason for it was that someone committed suicide on the tracks between Le Mans and Nantes (which apparently happens often). so when we got on the last train and waited forever, the tracks were cleared and we had permission to go... but we couldnt go because there was a two hour back up of trains... so thats why they didnt know when we could leave.
anyway this past week we had our last district meeting for the transfer. and we always take photos with the number transfer your in. so our zone leader had a brilliant idea to stack chairs of the number of transfers your in and sit on them. i only sat on one. but you can see the beautiful picture below. elder mattson and haskell will finish their mission at the same time that soeur p will.
speaking of end of the transfer.... transfer changes!!!!!! soeur p and i are staying (obviously)! but here's the scary thing.... two sisters from the group that came in with me are training... 3rd transfer training is pretty common. and there actually have been two sisters who fast tracked and fast trackers used to come in halfway through the transfer. so two sisters were trained for 9 weeks and then trained. but it's never happened that a blue has trained after only doing half of their training! crazy! so glad it's not me. but anyway. Elder Mattson is leaving and being replaced. But this is the cool thing! Angers is getting another companionship of Elders! so theres going to be 6 missionaries in Angers! and the new companionship coming in is going to Elder Platt (an old office elder) and another Blue!!!! I wont be the youngest anymore! i'm super excited! anyway thats all thats really changed (and it wont change until
wednesday...) so yeah. our week was good besides that. I have a lot of pictures to send from our hike and not much time left.
Our investigators at the moment are: mimi, emma, tania, teng, nadia, and fernande. We havent taught teng since the first lesson, but still trying to get ahold of her. emma is doing amazing.
my district

us waiting around for two hours at the gares
the hike was so beautiful!!!!!
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