This week was good. Monday night to Tuesday afternoon we did an
exchange with Nancy soeurs in Nancy, that was fun!
Thursday we had district meeting. We all did flan suck. I still can't
swallow it whole in one try... It was funny watching the bleus do it.
Then we opened our presents! So elder galvan in Luxembourg had me and
he got me a 3D puzzle. Don't know how to describe it. It's a cylinder
and the two middle pieces of the cylinder can twist. And there are
four rows and four of each four colors of balls and you try to line up
for example, all four reds in the same row. Anyway, I figured it out,
but it's kinda like a Rubics cube in the way that it's different each
time you mess it up.
We had 6pm-10:30pm off for Christmas Eve. So we got home at literally
6 but didn't have an rdv with a member till 7:30 so we just chilled. I
kinda organized and sorted stuff so I could start packing. Then we
went over to the members. It was good. There were like 10 courses! And
she made Saint Jacques (scallops). It was a little hard to eat seeing
as I don't like seafood.. But I managed. I forgot to mention that
meals for Christmas are always either seafood: smoked salmon, oysters,
and scallops, or snail and frog legs. I have to be honest I was
looking forward to trying snails, especially since I told everyone I
hadn't had them yet and that I don't like seafood, they didn't
listen... Anyway, the member made cupcakes with cream cheese frosting.
Oh it was so funny, the member thought she messed up the recipes
because to her it wasn't sugary, it was salty haha. Then we left at
10:30 came home and stayed up till 11:30, then went to bed.
Christmas morning we tried to sleep in... But the Toul cathedrals
wouldn't let us. On a normal day it rings starting at 7am every 15 min
three times and is done, except for the hour, it rings the number of
hours it is all until 11pm. First of all it was a miracle I didn't
wake up at midnight when it rang for the midnight mass. Then starting
at 7 am it rang for 30 min straight and it did that every hour! So I
didn't really get to sleep in... I finally got up at 9 cause I
couldn't fall back asleep. Then we opened presents and chilled till we
went over to a members at 12.
We had a big meal of potatoes, a giant chicken, stuffing, and
American rolls! France doesn't really do rolls. They were super good.
Then for dessert we had chesnut tiramisu, super good. Then we watched
rise of the guardians, it was in French, but it was still good. Then
we went and ate dinner at a Tahitian family only to come right back to
skype! It was great to see you all.
Saturday was hard. So somehow while skyping I turned and somehow
tweaked my lower back. So I come home Christmas night and couldn't
really move my back hurt so bad. So I went straight to bed. I woke up
in the morning and it wasn't going better. We did studies and then I
called the mission nurse, she told me to do some stuff ( take pain
killers, do stretches, put hot and cold on it) and if it doesn't get
better to call her back, but seeing as I go home in a week there's
probably not much that I can do... So we decided to start planning so
I did, but really I couldn't stand the pain. So I asked a member for a
blessing. So we finished planning and then went over. The last 30
minutes before going over, it started feeling better. I got the
blessing, and by the time we came home and parked the car I could walk
normally with out it hurting. Sunday it didn't hurt unless I moved
too quickly! Today it's totally fine, so like that's good. Don't know
what happened but it healed itself. Don't worry I'll be careful to not
hurt it again.
Well that was my week! I loved seeing you all! I hope you have a great
week! And a happy new year!!! A bientôt!
Gros bisous
Soeur Farmer
1. Skyping!
2. District Christmas photo
3. The enormous amount of chocolate we've received... And that's not
even all of it...